
Current version is 0.3.2.

Github Repository:

This reusable Django application provides models suitable for managing a list of books with ratings, somewhat like a private Goodreads.

Its real purpose is to provide sample models, with sample data, for use in testing other Django libraries. Often, when authoring new Django libraries, we need a simple example application to use so that we can test out our code.

Getting it

You can get django-book-manager by using pip:

pip install django-book-manager

If you want to install it from source, grab the git repository from GitHub and run

git clone git://
cd django-book-manager
python install

Installing It

To enable django-book-manager in your project you need to add it to INSTALLED_APPS in your project’s file:


Then, apply the migrations to add the schema to your database:

./ migrate

Using It


django-book-manager provides these models:

  • Book: a book with title, slug, publishing dates, number of pages, authors, etc.

  • Author: an author. Book has a many to many relationship with this

  • BookAuthor: this is a many to many through table between Book and Author that exists to record billing order of authors on a book (first author, second author, etc.)

  • Publisher: a publisher. Book has a foreign key relationship with this

  • Binding: a binding (hardcover, softcover, ebook, …). Book has a foreign key relationship with this

  • Reading: a reading record of a book by a reader. This is a many to many through table between Book and the AUTH_USER_MODEL that records a rating, review, notes, date read, etc. for a particular user.

  • Shelf: a collection of Reading objects, used by readers to classify books

Management commands

django-book-manager also supplies a command that can be used to load a Goodreads user library export into Django, splitting it into all the above models as appropriate.

To generate an export from Goodreads, go to your Goodreads account and:

  • Click “My Books”

  • At the bottom of that page, click “Import and Export”

  • At the top of that page, click “Export Library”

To load the CSV thus generated into Django, first create a user for yourself in Django, then:

./ import_csv <csvfile> <username>

A sample Goodreads export is available in this repository as sandbox/data/books.csv.
